Wynn's Hydraulic Valve Lifter Cleaner is developed to dissolve gum and lacquer from oil channels and maintain the cleanliness of the hydraulic valve lifters, reducing valve train noise and providing effective engine lubrication.
- Dissolves dirt, gum, and varnish deposits in the oil channels.
- Releases sticking hydraulic valve lifter components.
- Quietens valve train noise.
- Reduces engine wear by ensuring effective lubrication.
- Contains EP agents for extra engine protection.
- Does not harm turbos, catalytic converters, diesel particulate filters or AdBlue systems.
Parts | Effectiveness |
Hydraulic Valve Lifter |
Oil System |
Engine seals |
Wynn's Diesel & Petrol Air Intake Cleaner is an extremely powerful treatment for removing deposits and contamination from the Air-Intake and Inlet valves.
- Swiftly removes deposits and contamination from the intake manifold, inlet valves, valve seats and combustion chamber
- Restores correct engine operation
- Restores engine performance
- Optimises fuel economy
- Reduces exhaust emissions
- Ensures smooth idling
Parts | Effectiveness |
Air Intake |
Valves |
Combustion Chamber |
Wynn’s Diesel Power 7 is the most complete diesel additive. It was developed to deliver maximum results in just one tank of fuel and will benefit your diesel engine in 7 separate ways with long-lasting results.
- Cleans the injectors restoring an efficient spray pattern.
- Cleans, keeps clean and lubricates the fuel system, including the fuel pump.
- Cleans the combustion chamber.
- Cleans the EGR Valve.
- Cleans the Turbo.
- Assists active and passive regeneration of the DPF and removes soot build-up in the exhaust system.
- Stops smoke and reduces exhaust emissions.
Parts | Effectiveness |
Injector |
Turbo |
EGR Valve |
Combustion Chamber |
Fuel Tank |
Fuel Pump |
Wynn’s Petrol Power 7 is a complete petrol additive developed to deliver maximum results in just one tank of fuel and will benefit your engine in 7 separate ways with long-lasting results.
- Cleans the fuel injectors restoring efficient spray pattern.
- Cleans, keeps clean, and lubricates the entire fuel system.
- Removes combustion chamber deposits.
- Prevents contamination and deposits in the EGR Valve & Turbo.
- Maintains a clean and efficient exhaust system including the catalyst.
- Protects the engine against the negative effects of Ethanol in fuel (E5, E10, E20,..)
- Maximise fuel economy.
Parts | Effectiveness |
Injector |
Fuel Tank |
Combustion Chamber |
Turbo |
EGR Valve |
Catalytic converter (petrol) |
Avoid costly repairs on AdBlue® components by preventing crystallization and keeping the SCR system clean. It prevents the formation of Crystal deposits, avoids costly repairs to the AdBlue® system and improves SCR operation.
- Prevents the formation of crystals on components in the AdBlue® system.
- Delivers a cleaning effect on all components in the SCR System by dissolving light crystallisation in the AdBlue® Tank, pump unit & Injector.
- Improves SCR/AdBlue® operation.
- Eliminates breakdown & downtime due to AdBlue® Crystallisation.
- Prolongs the life of components in the AdBlue® system.
Parts | Effectiveness |
AdBlue Tank |
AdBlue Pump |
AdBlue Level Sensor |
AdBlue Injector |
SCR Catalyst |
Avoid costly repairs on AdBlue® components by preventing crystallization and keeping the SCR system clean. It prevents the formation of Crystal deposits, avoids costly repairs to the AdBlue® system and improves SCR operation.
- Prevents the formation of crystals on components in the AdBlue® system.
- Delivers a cleaning effect on all components in the SCR System by dissolving light crystallisation in the AdBlue® Tank, pump unit & Injector.
- Improves SCR/AdBlue® operation.
- Eliminates breakdown & downtime due to AdBlue® Crystallisation.
- Prolongs the life of components in the AdBlue® system.
Parts | Effectiveness |
AdBlue Tank |
AdBlue Pump |
AdBlue Level Sensor |
AdBlue Injector |
SCR Catalyst |
Improve diesel fuel fluidity at low temperatures (up to 30°C) and to prevent settling of wax crystals.
- Can significantly improve cold weather performance across a broad spectrum of diesel fuel.
- Depresses the CFPP (Cold Filter Plugging Point) up to -30°C. The CFPP reduction is dependent on the properties and the composition of the diesel fuel which has to be treated.
- Optimised to treat the widest possible range of middle distillate diesel fuel compositions for internal combustion engines.
- Slows down the formation of wax crystals.
Parts | Effectiveness |
Fuel Tank |
Fuel Pump |
Injector |
Improves the diesel fuel quality and combustion.
- Cleans pump and injectors. Increases the cetane number and improves the ignition quality and combustion.
- Reduces soot particulates and black exhaust smoke.
- Prevents fouling of the fuel filter.
- Compensates for lack of lubricity in low sulphur fuels. Reduces diesel knocking noises.
Parts | Effectiveness |
Injector |
Fuel Pump |
Turbo |
Combustion Chamber |
Cooling System Treatment & Stop Leak is a developed to stop small leaks in the radiator and cooling system and head gasket whilst adding further anti-corrosive properties to the coolant.
- Stops and prevents leakages in the cooling system
- Stops head gasket leaks and water pump gasket leakage
- Is formulated not to block cooling system radiator channels and temperature sensors
- Enhanced protection against rust and corrosion.
- Will not harm rubber hoses, gaskets, or other system components
Parts | Effectiveness |
Cooling System |
Cooling System Flush is a concentrated solution designed to thoroughly clean and restore the efficiency of all cooling systems. It will remove limescale deposits, corrosion, sludge, and oil deposits that have built up in the cooling system, restoring its efficiency.
- Dual action: 1) Removes limescale deposits 2) Eliminates corrosion, sludge, and oil residues
- Restores the optimal operation of the cooling and heating system
- Powerful acid free radiator cleaner
- Excellent performance in all types of cooling liquid, including OAT coolant
- Keeps dirt and particulates in suspension whilst cleaning
- Safe for rubber hoses, seals and all metals in the cooling system
- Extremely effective in all closed-circuit cooling systems
Parts | Effectiveness |
Cooling System |
Super Charge® Oil Treatment is an oil additive designed to improve the viscosity characteristics of engine oils ensuring maximum protection & reduced wear in engines, especially when under a heavy load.
- Improves compression and performance of worn engines
- Reduces oil consumption
- Maintains oil pressure at high temperatures
- Reduces engine noise
- Reduces friction and wear under high load by improving hydrodynamic lubrication
- Reduces exhaust smoke
- 100% soluble in all engine oils
- Reduces metal on metal contact during cold start
- Prolongs engine life
- Safe for all emission reduction exhaust systems: DPF, SCR (Ad-Blue) & DOC
Parts | Effectiveness |
Piston rings |
Oil System |
Hydraulic Valve Lifter |
Engine seals |
Oil System Flush is designed to clean the entire oil circulation system before an oil change, preventing contamination of the new engine oil by residues left behind, ensuring excellent hydrodynamic lubrication.
- Dissolves varnish, deposits, and sludge in all parts of the oil circulation system
- Avoids contamination of the new oil by residues left behind
- Prevents contamination of the new engine oil
- Protects turbos by cleaning oil lines and obstructions
- Keeps the dissolved impurities in suspension and prevents their agglomeration
- Frees sticking piston rings and hydraulic valve lifters
- Maximises the life of the new engine oil
- Contains EP additives for additional protection against wear during the treatment
- Safe for all engine components
- Compatible with all mineral and synthetic engine oils
- Compatible with regular and low SAPS oils
Parts | Effectiveness |
Oil System |
Piston rings |
Turbo |
Transmission |
Hydraulic Valve Lifter |
Diesel Injector Cleaner & Fuel Filter Primer is a diesel additive, designed to restore the injector spray pattern, clean the fuel system, whilst raising fuel quality & improving combustion.
- Restores injector spray pattern
- Cleans & lubricates the diesel fuel system
- By priming the filter, the high-pressure pump, fuel lines & injectors are instantly cleaned
- Improves power performance on heavy-duty diesel engines
- Reduces soot deposits
- Prevents fouling of the fuel filter
- Increases the cetane number improving combustion
- Reduces diesel knock
- Protects the fuel system against corrosion
Parts | Effectiveness |
Injector |
Fuel FIlter |
Fuel Pump |
Combustion Chamber |
EGR Valve |
Diesel Emission Reducer is a multifunctional additive for diesel fuel designed to immediately improve combustion, reduce exhaust & soot emissions whilst providing better fuel economy
- Effective cleaning of the exhaust system to restore efficiency
- Rapidly reduces exhaust soot & emissions
- Improves combustion & engine performance
- Improves fuel economy
- Specifically designed to pass European Emission Testing Regulation
- Compatible with latest Euro-6 technology
Parts | Effectiveness |
Diesel Oxidation Catalyst |
Turbo |
Injector |
Cleans injectors and restores spray pattern.
- Cleans injectors and restores spray pattern.
- Improves the ignition quality and combustion of diesel fuel.
- Cleans and lubricates injectors and fuel pump.
- Reduces diesel knocking noises.
Parts | Effectiveness |
Injector |
Fuel Tank |
Fuel Pump |
DPF Regenerator & NOx Sensor Protector has been developed to clear blocked particulate filters and reduce soot emissions in all diesel engines. It is also designed to protect the NOx sensor against contamination.
- Easily cleans and regenerates a blocked diesel soot filter without
- Catalyst for optimized combustion of soot particles
- Cleaning effect on NOx sensors to avoid AdBlue contamination problems
- Reduces the combustion temperature of soot so they burn off faster and at a lower temperature
- Restores engine performance
- Avoids maintenance costs related to DPF
- Especially suited for short driving cycles. Super-fast results!
- Stops oil dilution from excessive regenerations
- Can be used in combination with built-in regeneration systems
- Has a cleaning effect on the outlet side of the turbo
- Harmless for all after-treatment systems
Parts | Effectiveness |
Turbo |
Diesel Oxidation Catalyst |
Ice Proof for Diesel has been developed to improve cold weather performance across a broad spectrum of diesel fuel. Optimized product to treat the widest possible range of middle distillate diesel fuel compositions for internal combustion engines.
- Improves diesel fuel fluidity at low temperatures
- Prevents formation and settling of wax crystals
- Avoids costly breakdowns due to cold flow issues
- Depresses the Cold Filter Plugging Point (CFPP) down to -30°C.
- Slows down the formation of wax crystals
- Prevents the settling of wax crystals in the entire fuel system
- Significantly improve cold weather performance of diesel fuel
- Prevents costly breakdown & repairs
- Harmless to all exhaust gas after-treatment systems
Parts | Effectiveness |
Fuel Tank |
Fuel FIlter |
Fuel Pump |
Injector |
Clears blocked particulate filters and reduces soot emissions.
- Easily cleans and regenerates a blocked diesel soot filter without dismantling.
- Catalyst for optimized combustion and decreased soot build-up.
- Reduces the combustion temperature of soot so that the soot particles burn faster and at a lower temperature.
- Regeneration process starts immediately. Super-fast result!
Parts | Effectiveness |
Diesel Oxidation Catalyst |
Turbo |
EGR Valve |
cleans easily and efficiently blocked diesel particulate filters after dismantling.
- Eliminates excessive soot accumulation in diesel particulate filters after dismantling.
- Restores engine power and improves engine response.
- Helps to prevent the expensive exchange of the DPF.
Parts | Effectiveness |
Specially formulated for high-pressure diesel vehicles such as TDI, TCDI, HDI, DCI, JTD, TDCI...
- Cleans the pump, injection rail and injectors.
- Restores optimum fuel distribution through the injectors and prevents water from entering the injection system.
- Reduces fuel oxidation and deposit formation, and protects the injection system against corrosion.
- Compensates for the lack of lubrication in new low-sulphur diesel fuels.
Parts | Effectiveness |
Injector |
Fuel Pump |
Fuel Tank |
Stops small leaks in the radiator and cooling system, with anti-corrosive properties.
- Stops and prevents leakages in the radiator, cooling and heating system.
- Stops head gasket leaks.
- Will not harm rubber hoses, gaskets or other system components.
- Is compatible with all antifreezes and coolants, also with OAT coolants (Organic Acid Technology).
Parts | Effectiveness |
Cooling System |
Wynn's Fuel Stabilizer is an additive for petrol/LPG engines to preserve the fuel when the engine is put out of service during a long time or when the fuel has to remain in the tank during a long time.
- Prevents the degradation of petrol and facilitates engine starting after periods of extended shut down.
- Preserves and stabilises the fuel.
- Protects the fuel system against rust and corrosion.
- Prevents the formation of deposits in the fuel tank and filter.
- Forms a protective lubricating coating on the valves and valve seats.
Strong cleaning of the injectors. It protects the engine when using bio fuel E10 and E85.
- Instantly cleans and lubricates the injectors, restores and maintains ideal injector spray pattern.
- Prevents clogging on EGR.
- Restores engine performance, provides a regular idle and avoids starting problems.
- Removes combustion chamber and inlet valves deposits.
Parts | Effectiveness |
Injector |
Fuel Pump |
Valves |
For manual cleaning when the DPF is too heavily blocked and standard regeneration methods fail.
- For heavily blocked DPFs (over 70% soot loading)
- DPF removal required
- In-house workshop cleaning solution
- Approx 2 hours soak time
Parts | Effectiveness |
Additive package developed to upgrade the quality of regular diesel fuel to premium-grade diesel fuel.
- Increases the cetane number up to 3 points and reduces noxious exhaust gases by up to 20 %.
- Cleans and keeps clean injectors and fuel system.
- Prevents pitting and wear on fuel system components.
- Lubricates and protects the fuel pump and injectors.
Parts | Effectiveness |
Fuel Tank |
Injector |
Fuel Pump |
Valves |
Eases petrol and diesel engine starting at cold temperatures.
- Helps instant engine starting.
- Prevents battery fatigue.
- The special valve of the aerosol allows to use it in all positions and to empty it completely.
High quality adhesive/sealant based on sodium silicate and inorganic fillers. The product forms a permanent seal to repair exhaust systems.
- Ready to use paste. Heat resistant up to 1000°C.
- Bonds a wide range of materials.
- Non slip bonding. Asbestos free.
- Fast setting, especially when heat is applied.
Combination of additives developed to reduce diesel fuel consumption and emissions.
- Improvement of the fuel economy by 3,1 % during the test for heavy trucks UTAC60NERV.
- Considerably reduces exhaust gas emissions during the test for heavy trucks 60NERV: 3,1 % reduction CO2, 20 % reduction Nox, 45 % reduction of hydrocarbon emissions
- Complete cleaning of the fuel system.
- Instantly cleans and protects injectors and restores and maintains the ideal spray pattern of the injectors.
Parts | Effectiveness |
Diesel Oxidation Catalyst |
Turbo |
Treatment of particulate filters that are blocked due to the presence of excessive solid deposits and that cannot be regenerated by normal methods. Wynn’s DPF Flush has specially been formulated as a DPF rinsing fluid. It must always be used after the treatment with Wynn’s DPF Cleaner.
- DPF CLEANER (1): Eliminates most of the solid deposits present in particulate filters with serious clogging problems. Reduces the backpressure in the exhaust restoring correct operation of the engine, enabling it to leave limp home mode (warning lamp in certain vehicles).
- DPF FLUSH (2): Always to be used after DPF Cleaner for completing the cleaning procedure. Neutralizes the alkalinity of DPF Cleaner and removes the dirt and the soot from the filter.
- BOTH PRODUCTS: Do not affect the properties of the catalyst elements in the walls of the filters. Are chemically stable products. Are biodegradable.
Parts | Effectiveness |
Specialist product designed specifically as a powerful cleaner of the exhaust side of a turbocharger to remove carbon and oily deposits and to release sticking variable vanes.
- Removes carbon build up from the turbine and frees sticking variable turbo vanes.
- Removes residues from the diesel oxidation catalyst and has a good cleaning effect on the EGR valve.
- Re-establishes engine power and throttle response.
- Extends the life of the turbo and the diesel oxidation catalyst. Improves combustion and reduces soot emissions.
Parts | Effectiveness |
Turbo |
Silicone based lubricant.
- Provides dry lubrication.
- Reduces static electricity.
- Prevents sticking of materials.
- Protects against rust and corrosion.
Strongly adhesive and high viscosity synthetic lubricant.
- Exceptionally adhesive to surfaces.
- Exceptionally water-repellent and water-resistant.
- Protects parts, hard to be lubricated.
- Reduces and dampens noise of mechanisms.
Strongly adhesive water repellent lubricant with high penetrating properties.
- Outstanding lubricating, adhesive and penetration power.
- Is water repellent.
- Protects against rust and corrosion.
- Retards friction and wear. Prevents dirt accumulation and deposits.
Multifunctional lubricant and penetrating oil.
- Quickly frees locked, rusted or corroded parts. Lubricates and cleans precision parts and devices.
- Repels water and moisture. Strong dielectric rigidity.
- Protects against rust, corrosion and freezing.
- Stops squeaking and creaking. Removes oil, grease and tar stains.
Additive package developed to upgrade the quality of regular diesel fuel to premium-grade diesel fuel.
- Increases the cetane number up to 3 points and reduces noxious exhaust gases by up to 20 %.
- Cleans and keeps clean injectors and fuel system.
- Prevents pitting and wear on fuel system components.
- Lubricates and protects the fuel pump and injectors.
Parts | Effectiveness |
Fuel Tank |
Injector |
Fuel Pump |
Valves |
Powerful foamcleaner developed to quickly, easily and safely remove hardened carbon and other contamination from the air intake system, inlet valves, valve seats and combustion chamber rapidly restoring correct engine performance.
- Cleans Valve stems and seats.
- Cleans the combustion chamber and piston crown.
- Restore correct airflow to engine.
- Restores correct engine operation.
Parts | Effectiveness |
Valves |
Injector |
EGR Valve |
Low Foam non-flammable formulation especially developed to clean out and restore Particulate Filters in diesel and petrol vehicles in a safe, fast and efficient way without the need to remove the filter from the vehicle.
- Removes soot and ash deposits from blocked diesel & gasoline particulate filters.
- Non-flammable formulation.
- No need to remove the particulate filter from the vehicle.
Parts | Effectiveness |
Removes carbon deposits around engine injectors and other engine parts to facilitate its removal.
- Helps to dismantle blocked nozzles by diluting the solidified carbon residues that prevent the extraction of the injector.
- Disassembly of injectors, spark plugs, turbo nuts, etc.
Parts | Effectiveness |
Injector |
Absorbs water in the fuel system.
- Absorbs water in the fuel system.
- Protects against rust and corrosion.
- Prevents icing in the carburettor and fuel filter.
- Provides a better cold start performance.
Parts | Effectiveness |
Fuel Tank |
Fuel Pump |
Injector |
Removes oil and sludge in the cooling system of vehicles.
- Removes oil and sludge in the cooling system (caused by a leaking heat exchanger or cylinder head gasket).
- Degreases and cleans the entire cooling system.
- Keeps the residues in suspension whilst cleaning.
- Restores the heat transfer and the optimal operation of the controls within the cooling system.
Parts | Effectiveness |
Cooling System |
Repairs cracks in cylinder blocks without dismantling.
- Forms a glass hard layer when exposed to air.
- Repairs cracks in cylinder blocks of cast iron, steel and aluminium, without dismantling.
- Stops small leaks/cracks in metal head gaskets.
- Assures a permanent repair in 30 minutes.
Parts | Effectiveness |
Cooling System |
Cleans injection systems of petrol and diesel engines without disassembly and during engine running.
- Operates without disassembly of fuel system components.
- Easy to connect and easy handling.
- Operates via the vehicle's battery (12 V).
- When the treatment is completed, the apparatus automatically stops and an alarm is activated. The machine can be switched off at any time during the treatment.
Parts | Effectiveness |
Injector |
Fuel Pump |
All in one fuel system cleaning machine for fuel system, air intake, turbo and DPF of a vehicle. The machine can be used for diesel and petrol engines without disassembly of parts and during engine running.
- Operates without disassembly of fuel system components. Easy to connect and easy handling
- Contains 4 cleaning programs: Fuel System Treatment, Air Intake Treatment, Turbo Treatment, DPF Treatment
- Operates via the vehicle's battery (12 V).
- When the treatment is completed, the apparatus automatically stops and an alarm is activated. The machine can be switched off at any time during the treatment.
Parts | Effectiveness |
Injector |
Turbo |
Stops and prevents leaks in the power steering system.
- Prevents and stops oil leaks without dismantling.
- Revitalises rubber and neoprene seals and "O" rings.
- Cleans and protects the system by means of detergents and dispersants.
- Smoothes and quietens power steering action.
Service machine to clean the oil system of automatic gearboxes in a simple and effective way.
- Cleans the oil system of automatic gearboxes with the Wynn’s Automatic Transmission Flush.
- High exchange rate of up to 100% compared to only 50% with a classic drain and fill.
- No mixing of old and new fluid.
- Easy connection to the transmission or transmission oil cooler lines. Operates on the vehicle’s battery (12V)
Cleans automatic gearboxes and restore their optimal operation.
- Safely removes varnish deposits.
- Prepares transmission for new fluid.
- Cleans all internal transmission components. Smoothens and quietens gear changes.
- Prolongs component life. Restores optimal gear shifting
Oil soluble supplement developed to stop and prevent leaks and ease shifting.
- Stops and prevents leaks.
- Rejuvenates rubber seals and O-rings.
- Cleans and protects the system by means of detergents and dispersants.
- Provides easier shifting, prevents ageing and oxidation of automatic transmission fluids, prolongs component life.
Oil soluble supplement designed to stop and prevent engine oil leaks without dismantling.
- Stops and prevents oil leaks without dismantling.
- Revitalizes rubber and neoprene seals of crankshaft, camshaft and valve stems.
- Compatible with all mineral, synthetic, single- and multigrade oils and suitable for regular and low SAPS applications.
- Does not harm catalytic converters. Does not influence oil quality or viscosity.
Parts | Effectiveness |
Oil System |
Improves the lubricating and cleaning properties of engine oils, reduces friction and prevents formation of black sludge and varnish.
- Protects and enhances modern engines. Reduces friction and wear.
- Conditions metal surfaces. Retards oil ageing.
- Prevents oxidation and premature thickening of the oil.
- Stops formation of sludge and deposits.
Parts | Effectiveness |
Oil System |
Turbo |
Hydraulic Valve Lifter |
Manual gearbox treatment which improves gear shifting, lowers gearbox noise and stops oil leaks.
- Improves anti-friction and anti-wear properties.
- Reduces wear caused by metal-to-metal contact (reinforces E.P. additives in gearbox oils).
- Eases shifting. Provides a hydrodynamic lubrication, also under high charges and at high temperature.
- Prevents and reduces vibration noises of gears and bearings.
Parts | Effectiveness |
Transmission |
Flexible high-temperature resistant, watertight filling and bonding material. It is a polysiloxane based product in a pressure cartridge for making seals and gaskets in a rapid and easy way.
- Is resistant to oils, transmission fluids, water, antifreeze, grease, smoke and hot toxic gases.
- Replaces cork, felt, paper and rubber gaskets.
- Withstands low temperatures up to -40°C (continuous)and high temperatures up to 232°C (continuous) and 260°C (intermittent).
- Does not harm catalytic converters and electronic sensors.
Flexible high-temperature resistant, watertight filling and bonding material. It is a polysiloxane based product in a pressure cartridge for making seals and gaskets in a rapid and easy way.
- Is resistant to oils, transmission fluids, water, antifreeze, grease, smoke and hot toxic gases.
- Replaces cork, felt, paper and rubber gaskets.
- Withstands low temperatures up to -40°C (continuous)and high temperatures up to 232°C (continuous) and 260°C (intermittent).
- Does not harm catalytic converters and electronic sensors.
Maintain the cleanliness of the fuel system and reduce the octane requirement increase.
- Maintains the cleanliness of the fuel system.
- Reduces the octane requirement increase.
- Prevents the formation of deposits in the carburettor and on injectors and valves.
- Lubricates the injectors, the inlet valves, fuel system and upper cylinder area.
Parts | Effectiveness |
Injector |
Fuel Pump |
Valves |
Combustion Chamber |
Fuel Tank |
Cleans and unblocks dirty turbochargers. When spraying, it produces a foam, which has a long lasting cleaning effect on the surface of the turbo.
- Cleans and unblocks dirty turbocharger geometry with or without dismantling.
- Dissolves gum, lacquer, tar, carbon and varnish.
- Restores turbo power to its original activity.
- Regains optimal air/fuel ratio.
Parts | Effectiveness |
Turbo |
Aerosol product developed for cleaning the air intake system of all diesel engines.
- Provides immediate thorough cleaning of the air intake system, airflow sensor, inlet valves and EGR system.
- Strong power jet spray to support cleaning action.
- Dissolves gum, lacquer, tar, carbon and varnish.
- Restores perfect airflow towards the combustion chamber.
Parts | Effectiveness |
Injector |
EGR Valve |
Fuel Tank |
Fuel Pump |
Valves |
Combustion Chamber |
Aerosol product developed for cleaning the air intake system of all petrol engines.
- Provides immediate thorough cleaning of the air intake system, airflow sensor, inlet valves and EGR system.
- Strong power jet spray to support cleaning action.
- Dissolves gum, lacquer, tar, carbon and varnish.
- Restores perfect airflow towards the combustion chamber.
Parts | Effectiveness |
Injector |
EGR Valve |
Fuel Tank |
Fuel Pump |
Valves |
Combustion Chamber |
3 in 1 Ultrasonic nebulizer to be used with the products Wynn’s Airco-Clean®, Wynn's Cabin Disinfectant and Wynn’s Air Purifier.
- Eliminates odors, bacteria, viruses and fungi. Rather than masking the issue.
- Easy to use. Fast treatments. No disassembly of parts or removal of filters.
- Safe for user and vehicle owner.
- Can be used with 3 different fluids: Wynn’s Airco-Clean®, Wynn's Cabin Disinfectant and Wynn’s Air Purifier.
Parts | Effectiveness |
A/C surfaces |
Vehicle interior |
Removes and neutralizes odours and bad smells in vehicles, containers, boats and many other places.
- Neutralizes bad smells by means of a chemical reaction with their molecules.
- Long lasting effect by means of the molecular technology, which neutralizes the smell molecules. Does not mask the smell, but eliminates it.
- Due to the fine nebulisation with the Wynn’s Aircomatic® II or III the entire space is treated. Removes bad smells from fabrics, e.g. from furniture, seats in vehicles, boats, carpet and curtains.
- In combination with the ozone function on the Aircomatic® III, it creates even a better result and succeeds to neutralize even the worst smells.
Parts | Effectiveness |
Vehicle interior |
Prevents and removes micro-organisms in (bio) diesel fuel.
- Kills bacteria, algae and fungi.
- Prevents microbial re-growth.
- Is soluble in hydrocarbons and residual water.
- Use biocides safely. Always read the label and product information before use.
Parts | Effectiveness |
Fuel Tank |
Concentrated product for cleaning diesel fuel systems that is used undiluted for filling up the fuel filter.
- Reduces black smoke, soot and exhaust emissions.
- Restores injector spray pattern, cleans the fuel injection pump and fuel lines and lubricates the fuel pump.
- Decarbonises the combustion chamber.
- Restores compression and improves combustion.
Parts | Effectiveness |
Injector |
Fuel Pump |
Diesel Oxidation Catalyst |
Turbo |
Cleans and lubricates pumps and injectors.
- Cleans pumps and injectors. Restores original spray pattern resulting in a better combustion.
- Reduces black smoke (soot particulates) due to a cleaner injection system.
- Prevents fouling of the fuel filter. Protects against rust and corrosion.
- Reduces diesel knocking noise. Lubricates injectors and fuel pump.
Parts | Effectiveness |
Injector |
Fuel Pump |
Valves |
Diesel Oxidation Catalyst |
Turbo |
Reduces exhaust emissions, improves engine performance, combustion and fuel economy.
- Improves combustion and reduces CO and HC emissions.
- Reduces internal friction between engine partsleading to improved fuel economy, power and acceleration.
- Restores ‘like new’ performance to high mileage vehicles and keeps it running better, longer and more efficiently.
- Prevents the formation of deposits in the combustion chamber.
Parts | Effectiveness |
Catalytic converter (petrol) |
Injector |
Combustion Chamber |
EGR Valve |
Turbo |
Reduces exhaust emissions and improves engine performance and fuel economy. It prevents the negative effects of water in diesel fuel.
- Reduces exhaust emissions and soot.
- Improves combustion, engine performance and fuel economy.
- Prevents injector fouling and clogging.
- Protects against the negative effects of water in diesel fuel.
Parts | Effectiveness |
Injector |
Diesel Oxidation Catalyst |
Combustion Chamber |
EGR Valve |
Turbo |
Improves the lubricating and cleaning properties of engine oils, reduces friction and prevents formation of black sludge and varnish.
- Protects and enhances modern engines. Reduces friction and wear.
- Conditions metal surfaces. Retards oil ageing.
- Prevents oxidation and premature thickening of the oil.
- Stops formation of sludge and deposits.
Parts | Effectiveness |
Oil System |
Turbo |
Hydraulic Valve Lifter |
Stops and prevents leaks and ease shifting of automatic gearboxes and power steering systems.
- Stops and prevents leaks in automatic transmissions and power steering systems.
- Revitalizes rubber seals and O-rings.
- Cleans and protects the system by means of detergents and dispersants.
- Smoothens and quietens gear changes.
Parts | Effectiveness |
Transmission |
Cleans away internal engine deposits that create noise and reduce efficiency.
- Restores efficient working of hydraulic valve lifters.
- Lubricates and releases sticking valves.
- Reduces valve train noise, restores lost power.
- Is 100 % oil soluble.
Parts | Effectiveness |
Hydraulic Valve Lifter |
Oil System |
Oil supplement ensuring that a protective oil film remains on engine parts during the start/stop process.
- Ensures a protective oil film remains on engine parts during start/stop process.
- Protects the engine and improves its resistance to wear.
- Protects the engine oil against premature deterioration.
- Restores loss of viscosity of the engine oil.
Parts | Effectiveness |
Oil System |
Hydraulic Valve Lifter |
Absorbs water in the fuel system.
- Absorbs water from the fuel tank.
- Cleans fuel injectors.
- Protects against rust and corrosion.
- Prevents carburettor and fuel filter icing.
Parts | Effectiveness |
Fuel Tank |
Fuel Pump |
Injector |
Valves |
Neutralizes the negative effects of water in fuel.
- Cleans the injectors of petrol and diesel engines.
- Neutralizes and absorbs condensation water in the fuel tank and fuel system for re-moval in the combustion process.
- Prevents rust and corrosion in the complete fuel system
- Prevents seizing of the injectors.
Parts | Effectiveness |
Injector |
Fuel Tank |
Fuel Pump |
Valves |
Combustion Chamber |
Triple action High Performance Petrol System Treatment.
- Immediately improves combustion, which enhances engine performance, improves acceleration and reduces engine noise.
- Reduces petrol consumption.
- Cleans and protects the injection system.
Parts | Effectiveness |
Injector |
Combustion Chamber |
Fuel Tank |
Fuel Pump |
Catalytic converter (petrol) |
Protects the valve seats and reduces their wear when using unleaded petrol. Preserves the fuel when stored in a tank for a long time.
- Forms a protective and lubricating coating on the valves and valve seats, just like the one built-up by lead in leaded petrol.
- Protects the soft valve seats against premature wear when using unleaded petrol (prevents formation of micro welding).
- Prevents degradation of the fuel in the tank when the engine is put out of service for several months.
- Protects the fuel against oxidation.
Parts | Effectiveness |
Fuel Tank |
Valves |
Combustion Chamber |
Optimizes the efficiency of the catalytic converter and ensures the optimal working of the lambda (oxygen) sensors.
- Optimizes the efficiency of the catalytic converter.
- Ensure optimal working of the lambda (oxygen) sensors.
- Improves cleanliness and reduces emissions.
- Restores engine performance.
Parts | Effectiveness |
O2 sensor |
Catalytic converter (petrol) |
Turbo |
EGR Valve |
Valves |
Reduces black smoke formation and harmful exhaust emissions.
- Improves the combustion and engine performance.
- Reduces noxious exhaust gases such as CO and HC.
- Improves fuel economy.
- Cleans injectors and combustion chamber.
Parts | Effectiveness |
Catalytic converter (petrol) |
Turbo |
Combustion Chamber |
Injector |
Fuel Pump |
Upgrade the diesel fuel quality and to improve diesel fuel fluidity at low temperatures.
- Upgrades the quality of regular diesel fuel to a premium diesel fuel.
- Reduces crystallization and prevents settling of wax crystals.
- Cleans and keeps clean injectors and fuel system.
- Lubricates and protects fuel pump and injector.
Parts | Effectiveness |
Injector |
Fuel Tank |
Fuel Pump |
Diesel Oxidation Catalyst |
Combustion Chamber |
Clears blocked turbochargers.
- Cleans and frees sticking vanes of the variable turbo.
- Removes deposits (oil and unburned fuel particles) from the Diesel Oxidation Catalyst (DOC).
- Has a good cleaning effect on the EGR valve.
- Improves combustion and reduces soot emissions.
Parts | Effectiveness |
Diesel Oxidation Catalyst |
Turbo |
EGR Valve |
Combustion Chamber |
Reduces black smoke formation and harmful exhaust emissions.
- Improves the combustion and increases the amount of oxygen in the combustion chamber.
- Reduces the formation of black exhaust smoke, especially soot particulates in diesel engines.
- Increases the engine performance and improves fuel economy.
- Quietens diesel-knocking noises.
Parts | Effectiveness |
Diesel Oxidation Catalyst |
Turbo |
Injector |
Fuel Pump |
Combustion Chamber |
Fast and complete removal of internal injector deposits and carbon from the fuel injectors and combustion chamber in one tank of fuel. Reduces the risk of Low Speed Pre-Ignition (LSPI). Protects against the negative effects of bio petrol to E85 for up to 10,000 km.
- Advanced PEA formulation rapidly cleans internal and external injector deposits; in independent testing restored injector efficiency to 98.3% in one tank of fuel.
- Lubricates the injectors and injection system to prevents consequences of using E10 or E85.
- Turbo protection.
- Reduces the risk of engine damage from Low Speed Pre-Ignition (LSPI).
Parts | Effectiveness |
Injector |
EGR Valve |
Catalytic converter (petrol) |
Turbo |
Absorb water in the fuel system.
- Absorbs water in the fuel system.
- Protects against rust and corrosion.
- Prevents icing in the carburettor and fuel filter.
- Provides a better cold start performance.
Parts | Effectiveness |
Fuel Tank |
Fuel Pump |
Fuel FIlter |
Injector |
Strong, specially formulated treatment to meet new emission testing regulations. Containing 4 specific emission reduction elements to reduce black smoke, exhaust emissions and soot particles.
- Specially formulated to pass new emission test regulations.
- Reduces CO and HC emissions.
- Reduces exhaust smoke.
- Improves combustion, engine performance andfuel economy.
Parts | Effectiveness |
Catalytic converter (petrol) |
Injector |
Turbo |
Fuel Tank |
Fuel Pump |
Complete treatment for petrol engines which cleans the entire fuel system (before, during and after combustion).
- Reduces CO and HC emissions and exhaust smoke.
- Improves combustion, engine performance and fuel economy.
- Instantly cleans and lubricates the injectors, restores and maintains ideal injector spray pattern.
- Prevents clogging of the EGR valve, cleans the catalytic converter and gasoline particulate filter.
Parts | Effectiveness |
Injector |
Valves |
EGR Valve |
Catalytic converter (petrol) |
Turbo |
Combustion Chamber |
Optimizes the efficiency of the catalytic converter and ensures the optimal working of the lambda (oxygen) sensors.
- Removes deposits (oil and unburned fuel particles) and reduces emissions.
- Ensures optimal working of the Cat and the O2 sensors.
- Prolongs the lifetime of the catalytic converter and oxygen sensors.
- Prevents OBD warning lamp illuminations.
Parts | Effectiveness |
O2 sensor |
Catalytic converter (petrol) |
Turbo |
Valves |
EGR Valve |
Strong, specially formulated treatment to meet new emission testing regulations. Containing 4 specific emission reduction elements to reduce black smoke, exhaust emissions and soot particles.
- Specially formulated to pass new emission testing regulations.
- Reduces exhaust emissions and soot.
- Reduces black smoke.
- Improves combustion, engine performance and fuel economy.
Parts | Effectiveness |
Diesel Oxidation Catalyst |
Injector |
Turbo |
Fuel Tank |
Fuel Pump |
Complete treatment for diesel engines which cleans the entire fuel system (before, during and after combustion).
- Reduces exhaust emissions and black smoke.
- Improves combustion, engine performance and fuel economy.
- Instantly cleans and protects the injectors, restores and maintains ideal injector spray pattern.
- Prevents clogging of the EGR valve, aids DPF regeneration, aids turbo cleaning.
Parts | Effectiveness |
Injector |
Valves |
EGR Valve |
Turbo |
Combustion Chamber |
Clears blocked diesel turbochargers.
- Removes carbon build up from the turbine and frees sticking vanes without dismantling.
- Removes residues from the Diesel Oxidation Catalyst and has a good cleaning effect on the EGR valve.
- Re-establishes engine power and throttle response.
- Improves combustion and reduces soot emissions.
Parts | Effectiveness |
Diesel Oxidation Catalyst |
Turbo |
EGR Valve |
Concentrated product designed to thoroughly clean all automotive cooling systems.
- Powerful acid free radiator cleaner.
- Dual action: 1. Removes scale 2. Eliminates rust, deposits and oily residues.
- Excellent performance in all types of cooling liquid, including OAT coolant.
- Keeps dirt and particulates in suspension whilst cleaning.
Parts | Effectiveness |
Cooling System |
Bactericidal and fungicidal fluid for cleaning air conditioning systems, including the evaporator, and the interior of vehicles. It is packed in a spray can.
- Highly effective cleaner for air conditioning system, including the evaporator.
- Eliminates unpleasant odours in the interior of vehicles.
- Eliminates pollen and nicotine residues.
- Eliminates microbes, mould and bacteria.
Parts | Effectiveness |
A/C surfaces |
Oil soluble supplement cleaning and protecting the oil circulation system and preventing contamination of fresh oil by residues leftbehind.
- Dissolves sludge, dirt and deposits in the crankcase, the oil ducts and all parts in the oil circulation system.
- Keeps the dissolved impurities in suspension and prevents their agglomeration.
- Frees piston rings and hydraulic valve lifters.
- Avoids contamination of fresh oil by residues left behind.
Parts | Effectiveness |
Hydraulic Valve Lifter |
Piston rings |
Oil System |
Oil soluble supplement designed to improve high temperature viscosity characteristics of engine oils.
- Reduces excessive oil consumption via piston rings and valve guides.
- Improves viscosity index of lubricating oils.
- Restores compression and oil pressure.
- Reduces exhaust smoke due to oil consumption
Parts | Effectiveness |
Piston rings |
Oil System |
Hydraulic Valve Lifter |
Cleaning product in aerosol to eliminate dirt and deposits in the air intake manifold, on the throttle valve and on the visible carburettor parts.
- Strong solvent dissolves and removes dirt very fast.
- Strong power jet spray to support cleaning action.
- Cleans carburettor and air intake system without disassembly.
- Dissolves gum, lacquer and deposits.
Parts | Effectiveness |
Carburettor |
Air Intake |
Oil soluble supplement designed to restore efficient working of hydraulic valve lifters.
- Releases sticking valve stems and hydraulic valve lifter components.
- Quietens valve train noise.
- Dissolves dirt, gum and varnish deposits in the oil channels.
- Contains EP agents for extra protection.
Parts | Effectiveness |
Hydraulic Valve Lifter |
Piston rings |
Oil System |
Spray product for cleaning and degreasing of mechanical parts.
- Removes oil, brake fluid, grease and other dirt from metal parts.
- Eliminates dust from brake and clutch parts.
- Restores the friction of brake and clutch lining material.
- Avoids airborne asbestos dust.
Cleaning product to unclog dirt, varnish and carbon in fuel injectors andcombustion chamber of vehicles. It has to be used with the Wynn’s MultiSERVE or FuelSystemSERVE.
- Cleans injectors, valves, valve stems, combustion chamber and other vital parts in fouled petrol injection systems without dismantling.
- Restores injector spray pattern.
- Improves the cylinder compression ratio balance.
- Frees sticking exhaust valves.
Parts | Effectiveness |
Injector |
Fuel Pump |
Eliminate dirt and deposits in diesel injection systems. It has to be used with the Wynn’s MultiSERVE or FuelSystemSERVE equipment.
- Cleans the entire diesel fuel system without dismantling.
- Restores the injector spray pattern and improves combustion.
- Reduces emissions of noxious exhaust gases and soot.
- Reduces diesel knocking.
Parts | Effectiveness |
Injector |
Fuel Pump |
Cleans and disinfects the airconditioning surfaces eliminating bacteria and viruses in the vehicle in just 15 minutes.
- Removes greasy deposits, dust and other dirt from the airco evaporator.
- Neutralizes microbial contamination, fungi and bacteria in the air-conditioning system and washes them away.
- Test results EN14476:2013 + A2:2019: Eliminates 99.99% of enveloped viruses in 15 minutes at 20°C on contaminated surfaces including all coronaviruses and SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19).
- Use biocides safely. Always read the label and product information before use.
Parts | Effectiveness |
A/C surfaces |
Vehicle interior surfaces |
Instantly cleans and protects the injectors as well as restores and maintains ideal injector spray pattern.
- Effectively protects and lubricates injectors and pumps.
- Protection of high pressure injection systems (TDI, HDI, …).
- Restores engine performance, provides a regular idle and avoids starting problems.
- Increases operational reliability and economy.
Parts | Effectiveness |
Injector |
Fuel Tank |
Fuel Pump |
Valves |
Special blend of chemicals formulated to stop engine oil leaks and drips that can result from the drying out and shrinking of engine neoprene, rubber seals and O-rings.
- Prevents and stops engine oil leaks without demounting.
- Restores the elasticity of rubber and neoprene oil seal rings and O-rings.
- Lubricates and maintains engine seals in good condition.
- Will have no effect on the viscosity or performance of engine oil.
Parts | Effectiveness |
Piston rings |
Oil System |
High Performance Diesel Fuel System Treatment.
- Immediately improves combustion, which enhances engine performance and improves acceleration.
- Reduces fuel consumption.
- Reduces black smoke.
Parts | Effectiveness |
Injector |
Fuel Tank |
Fuel Pump |
Turbo |
Diesel Oxidation Catalyst |
Removes and neutralises odours and badsmells in vehicles.
- Neutralises bad smells by means of a molecular, chemical reaction.
- Instantly removes bad smells.
- Works on a wide range of unpleasant odours of organic materials: Cigarette smoke, pet smell, body odours, transpiration, food smells, vomit, smell of mildew and damp, etc.
- It has a fresh delicate minty perfume, which slowly disappears after use. Does not leave stains.
Parts | Effectiveness |
Vehicle interior |
Highly effective cleaner for air conditioning systems based on water soluble surface active agents, packed in spray can.
- Cleans the evaporator surface of the air conditioning system.
- Eliminates unpleasant odours and prevents their recurrence.
- Can avoid allergic reactions: sneezing, colds, coughing, sore throats, irritation of the eyes, ...
- Sprays in all positions (even upside down).
Parts | Effectiveness |
A/C surfaces |
Improve the high temperature viscosity characteristics of engine oils.
- Improves the viscosity index of lubricating oils.
- Strengthens the oil film under high temperatures, high shear conditions.
- Restores compression and oil pressure.
- Reduces excessive oil consumption and exhaust smoke due to this oil consumption.
Parts | Effectiveness |
Piston rings |
Oil System |
Hydraulic Valve Lifter |
Concentrated cleaning product for windshield washer systems.
- Removes insects, greasy deposits and dirt from windshield and headlamps.
- Does not attack paint or rubber & leaves no white strokes on the coachwork.
- Causes no reflexions on the windows.
Parts | Effectiveness |
Windscreen |
Highly concentrated cleaning and antifreeze product for windshield washer systems.
- Protects the screen-wash system against freezing up to a temperature of - 58°C.
- Meets stringent requirements of the car manufacturers.
- Meets the new EC regulations concerning warehousing and safety.
- Meets ASTM D1882 (does not harm the paint of the car).
Parts | Effectiveness |
Windscreen |
Chemical treatment completely soluble in oil that has a double action: 1) Increases compression 2) Reduces wear
- Helps extend engine life by reducing oxidation, friction and wear.
- Improves compression and the viscosity index of the oil and prevents premature thickening of new oil.
- Reduces the build-up of sludge and deposits and helps keep the oil system clean.
- Reduces oil consumption and emissions.
Parts | Effectiveness |
Piston rings |
Oil System |
Hydraulic Valve Lifter |
Improve diesel fuel fluidity at low temperatures and to prevent settling of wax crystals.
- Can significantly improve cold weather performance across a broad spectrum of diesel fuel.
- Depressesthe CFPP (Cold Filter Plugging Point) up to -30°C. The CFPP reduction is dependent on the propertiesand the composition of the diesel fuel that has to be treated.
- Optimised to treat the widest possible range of middle distillate diesel fuel compositionsfor internal combustion engines.
- Slows down the formation of wax crystals.
Parts | Effectiveness |
Fuel Tank |
Fuel Pump |
Injector |
Cleans automotive cooling systems.
- Powerful acid free radiator cleaner.
- Dual action: 1) Removes scale. 2) Eliminates rust, deposits and oily residues.
- Excellent performance in all types of cooling liquid, including OAT coolant.
- Safe for rubber hoses, seals and all metals in the cooling system.
Parts | Effectiveness |
Cooling System |
Oil soluble supplement designed to reduce exhaust smoke due to oil burning.
- Reduces exhaust smoke due to oil burning.
- Improves the viscosity properties of the oil at high oil temperatures.
- Seals the gaps between worn engine components.
- Improves compression and engine performance; reduces engine noise.
Parts | Effectiveness |
Piston rings |
Oil System |
Hydraulic Valve Lifter |
Improve the high temperature viscosity characteristics of engine oils.
- Improves the viscosity index of lubricating oils.
- Strengthens the oil film under high temperatures, high shear conditions.
- Restores compression and oil pressure.
- Reduces excessive oil consumption and exhaust smoke due to this oil consumption.
Parts | Effectiveness |
Piston rings |
Oil System |
Hydraulic Valve Lifter |
Reduces soot emissions, cleans and regenerates the particulate filter.
- Reduces soot formation during the fuel combustion cycle.
- Clears and regenerates blocked soot filters without dismantling.
- Complete burn-off of soot particles during driving.
- Avoids frequent maintenance costs related to the manual regeneration of the blockedsoot filter.
Parts | Effectiveness |
EGR Valve |
Diesel Oxidation Catalyst |
Turbo |
Additive package developed to upgrade the quality of regular petrol or E10 fuel to premium-grade petrol. The formula was especially adapted to protect the fuel system against the consequences of using E10 fuel.
- Lowers internal friction between parts in the fuel system and reduces the increased fuel consumption when using E10 fuel that has a lower heatingvalue.
- Cleans and keeps clean injectors, valves and fuel system.
- Prevents pitting and wear on fuel system components and assures extreme corrosion protectio